End the use of pesticides in urban areas

Over 100 local authorities across the UK have either ended their use of pesticides or taken significant steps towards doing so. This is hugely significant and demonstrates that there is a strong desire amongst councils when it comes to reducing local residents’ exposure and protecting our environment from harmful pesticides. 

Sadly, most local authorities are finding that  limited funds and resources are an obstacle to ending their use of pesticides and  adopting alternative measures. Councils need greater direction and support from the UK Government. 

We invite you to email your local councillors asking them to add their signature to a letter to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - The Rt Hon Steve Reed MP calling for a national ban on urban pesticides. The aim is to demonstrate that councillors from across the UK want to end the use of pesticides in our playgrounds, parks, streets and other urban public spaces. Read the letter here.